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Sawyer Altman

Sawyer  Altman
Graduation Year

"Since the beginning of modernity, Jewish critical theorists have worked to map the evolving world around them, to develop a language and understand the consequences of their present times. But in late modernity, an age of pervasive information technologies, we are more embedded in information than they could have ever imagined. I will continue their line of inquiry by reflecting back on Jewish critical theorists and asking this question: what are the consequences of the rise to ubiquity?" -Sawyer Altman, 2016

Sawyer is studying Science, Technology, and Society with a concentration in Innovations and Organizations (class of 2017), and will be conducting my research as part of an STS honors thesis. He is a technologist, and hopes to use his insights to inform the design process, to build digital technologies consciously and to better understand how his choices, and those of others like him, affect society.

He received The Dr. Bernard Kaufman Undergraduate Research Award in Jewish Studies in 2016 for his proposal "Jewish Modernists on How Technology Shapes Us."