Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series
The Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series Fund supports a lecture series with one lecture in English and the other lecture on the same or similar topic in Yiddish. Here are a few of our most recent Clara Sumpf lectures:
Past Events
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), 450 Jane Stanford Way Building 360, Stanford, CA 94305
Conference Room
Lecture (in English)
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Place: CCSRE Conference Room, Bldg. 360, first floor
Concert (in Yiddish)
450 Jane Stanford Way, Building 360, Stanford, CA 94305
Join us for one or both of this lecture series. Amelia Glaser is Professor and Chair of Jewish Studies at UC San Diego.
May 18
טינט, פֿעדער, און ווילדע האַנט-ליאַלקעס: די קינעטישע קונסטווערק פֿון זוני מאוד און יאָסל קאָטלער
May 17
מיר װילן דערקענען די װעלט, כּדי זי איבערצובױען׃
די ייִדישע װיסנשאַפֿט בשעתן און נאָכן חורבן
Building Yiddish Culture: Doikeyt and Jewish Architecture
The Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series
The Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series
The Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series
The Clara Sumpf Yiddish Lecture Series