Asa Maron
Asa Maron is a post-doctoral fellow of the Israel Institute at Stanford University, in affiliation with the Taube Center for Jewish studies and the Sociology Department. He is a political sociologist and his main fields of research and teaching are the sociology of the welfare state, sociology of citizenship, and sociology of governance. The reconfiguration of state and citizenship under neoliberal policies are his primary academic interest. He is particularly interested in the role of state agencies in rearticulating social problems and producing new governance solutions under the constructed fiscal imperatives of neoliberalism. During 2015-2016, Asa is teaching the following courses: ”Between Nation-Building and Liberalization: The Welfare State in Israel” (autumn; SOC 102, JEWISHST 132), and “Sociology of Citizenship” (winter; SOC 103, JEWISHST 133).