David S. Lobel Visiting Scholar Lecture: "Torah and Jewish Identity: What did it mean to be an Ioudaios in the Second Temple Period?" with John J. Collins
**RESCHEDULED for Thursday, May 15 at 12pm, CCSRE Conference Room (Building 360)
Torah and Jewish Identity: What did it mean to be an Ioudaios in the Second Temple Period?
There has been a debate in recent scholarship as to whether Ioudaios in the Hellenistic period should be translated as "Jew" or as "Judean."This paper will consider that issue in light of recent work on ethnicity, and consider the role the Torah came to play in formulations of Judean identity. John J. Collins is Holmes Professor of Old Testament Criticism and Interpretation at Yale University. He previously taught at the University of Chicago and at Notre Dame. He received his Ph. D. from Harvard (1972). He is currently general editor of the Anchor Bible series for Yale University Press. He is co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism (Continuum, 1998), the Dictionary of Early Judaism (Eerdmans, 2010) and the Oxford Handbook of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Oxford), 2010). His most recent book is The Dead Sea Scrolls. A Biography (Princeton University Press, 2012).