Transliterations & Translations by Isaac Jerusalmi

Kanun Name de Penas

Kanunname de Penas




Yisrael, Reuven Eliyahu, Traduksyon Livre de las Poezias de Rosh ha-Shana i Kippur


The POEZIAS are brief liturgical compositions for the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement.



Jerusalmi, Isaac, From Ottoman Turkish to Ladino

Buen Dotrino

The BUEN DOTRINO consists of a series of texts on commendable qualities, such as prayer, study, trust, etc.










Alschech, Josef, The Selihoth of the Sephardim

The Selihoth of the Sephardim




Jerusalmi, Isaac, The Song of Songs in the Targumic Tradition


Song of Songs Paraphrasis

Jerusalmi, Isaac, Shivhe ha-Ari

Shivhe ha-Ari