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Svetlana Natkovich

Svetlana  Natkovich
Time of Stay

Svetlana Natkovich is a Rothschild Post-Doctoral Fellow. She is a graduate of the Department of Hebrew literature at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. Her book, Amongst Radiant Clouds: Literature of Vladimir (Zeev) Jabotinsky in a Social Context, is forthcoming from the Magnes Press. Her current research delves into the questions of Russian-Jewish self-fashioning in the second half of the 19th century and analyzes the dynamic of differentiation of the Jewish literatures into Hebrew, Yiddish and Russian-Jewish literary corpora. Her research interests include questions of the relations between literature and ideology, the formation of Jewish nationalisms, the dynamics of Jewish modernization and secularization. After her stay at Stanford she will continue on to Simon-Dubnow-Institute in Leipzig, Germany.