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Mother's Milk: Childrearing, the household, and the making of Jewish Culture with Deena Aranoff

Mon November 6th 2023, 12:00 - 1:30pm
Event Sponsor
Department of Religious Studies
Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
History Department
Taube Center for Jewish Studies
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460), Terrace Room (Rm. 426)

Join Deena Aranoff, Faculty Director of the Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, for a discussion of medieval and early modern parenting and its relationship to the development of Jewish culture in Europe and beyond. Aranoff teaches rabbinic literature, medieval patterns of Jewish thought, and the broader question of continuity and change in Jewish history. She will teach the Stanford winter course JEWISHST 116/RELIGST 116X The Hebrew Bible: Readings in religion and culture.

Aranoff is this year's David S. Lobel Visiting Scholar in Jewish Studies.

Lunch included with RSVP

Co-sponsored with the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, the department of Religious Studies and the department of History.